09 July 2010

Day 142

Today was a pretty lazy day for the most part.  Gabe and I chilled out around the house til the afternoon, when my neighbor down the street (the same one I went to the pool with back on day 135) called...they had bought an inflatable pool for their son, and he wanted Gabe to come down and play with him.  I had a little bit of fun with it - I told Gabe to go put his swim trunks on, but didn't tell him why.  Once he put them on, I just handed him a towel and told him to go to his friend's house.

A little while later, I got a phone call from the friend's number.  Turned out it was her husband, calling to see if I could run her up to the c-store.  They were relaxing and having some wine, and then they ran out of wine.  Since both of them were drinking, I became the designated driver.  While we were at the store, I let myself get talked into getting some alcohol too...

I only had one drink, and the three of us sat and played poker for a while (I won...heheh).  Somewhere in there, the boys decided to ask if Gabe could spend the night.  So, I got to hang out with friends, AND got a child-free night to boot!

Onward to day 143...

08 July 2010

Day 141

Oh no...

Another day that has disappeared into the depths of my mind....

Let's see what happens on day 142...

07 July 2010

Day 140

Surprise, surprise...today was another day spent at LINKS.  There are actually three scheduled workshops every month - an all-day workshop on a Wednesday, an all-day workshop on a Saturday, and a two-day workshop on a Monday and Tuesday morning or evening.  Other workshops get added in, usually because a particular unit requests a workshop.

Like I've said before, being at LINKS doesn't present many photo ops.  However, I did take a picture today of me in my lovely LINKS garb:

You can't really tell from the picture, but it's got the LINKS logo with 'L.I.N.K.S.' written under it.

And now, on to tackle day 141...

06 July 2010

Day 139

Today was my monthly LINKS team meeting.  I think I'm going to be spending almost as much time at LINKS this month as I'll be spending at home.  It's all good, though; whatever time I'm there is time I'm not spending at home wishing time would pass faster.

Today's picture is courtesy of my wacky cat.  Every once in a while she'll lay on the top of the couch behind me, looking for all the world like she's completely engrossed in whatever I'm doing on the computer:

And that, my friends, is all until day 140!

05 July 2010

Day 138

Another "don't remember day"...shame on me for not keeping up!!

04 July 2010

Day 137

Today started out pretty much a repeat of yesterday, furthering my belief that it was a virus or something of the sort rather than a hangover.  I dealt with it for a while; a little after lunchtime, I hit Lacy up for some Pepto Bismol so I could at least attempt to enjoy part of the holiday.  Speaking of the holiday....

We did have fun.  We went over to the Brian and Lacy's house and hung out.  Brian had invited some of his Marines over for food and drinks; after we ate, we sat and played poker for a little while. 

And that about sums up my day.  I shall return on day 138...

03 July 2010

Day 136

It was a good thing that I had so much fun last night, because today was a lousy day.  I woke up with an upset stomach, and the day just didn't get any better.  Brian tried to tell me it was a hangover, but I knew better.  I think it was just some random virus that I picked up from somewhere or another.

On top of being sick, I have this pretty little souvenir from our trip to the pool yesterday:

My first official sunburn of 2010...sigh.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  Til day 137....